disequilibrium analysis中文什么意思

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  1. In this article , the principle and application of several gene mapping methods are discussed , including linkage analysis ( parametric and nonparametric linkage analysis ) , association study and linkage disequilibrium analysis
    本文简要介绍疾病基因定位的几种常用分析方法,包括连锁分析法(参数法和非参数法) 、关联分析和传递不平衡分析的基本原理和应用范围。
  2. It must indicate that the theory of equilibrium and disequilibrium are not opposite , and should integrate them , equilibrium is the objective of the economy operation , and disequilibrium analysis is the available means of realizing the objective of equilibrium . firstly , the paper had a brief introduction on the theories of disequilibrium and real estate markets , and confirmed the choice of the disequilibrium econometrics model on the basis of the characteristics of the estate market of changchun city . the paper made sure that the disequilibrium of changchun city ’ estate market showed not only the disequilibrium problem of the total support quantity , but the problem of the structure and system of market


  1. disequilibrating capital flows 什么意思
  2. disequilibrating movement of funds 什么意思
  3. disequilibration 什么意思
  4. disequilibrium 什么意思
  5. disequilibrium age distribution 什么意思
  6. disequilibrium assemblage 什么意思
  7. disequilibrium economics 什么意思
  8. disequilibrium growth 什么意思
  9. disequilibrium linkage 什么意思
  10. disequilibrium method 什么意思


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